The Registrar’s office handles a number of things that are vital to your college academic life, from start to finish. The Registrar is involved in class scheduling, transfer evaluations, transcript requests, and receiving, maintaining and processing educational records and forms. For example, check here if there’s a form you need to apply to a major, or in order to get approved for graduation, or if you’re wondering when your exams are this term.
Quick Links
Staff Directory:
Name | Role | Phone | |
Colleen Willenbring | Registrar | 267-607-9971 | colleen.willenbring@brynathyn.edu |
Christy Broberg | Administrative Assistant | 267-502-6093 | christy.broberg@brynathyn.edu |
Mailing Address:
Office of the Registrar
PO Box 717
Bryn Athyn, PA 19009
For information on adding/dropping courses, advising, the grading system, the grievance procedure, academic integrity violations, & more, please see the Bryn Athyn College Student Handbook.
In order to officially apply to a major, print out the Application to a Major Form, fill out the top portion, and submit the form to your Major Advisor. The list of Major Advisors is provided on the form.
Dean’s List honors is earned by students who have earned a term GPA of 3.50 or higher and have completed at least 9 academic credits. These students are a testament to hard work and academic commitment. Dean's List honors will be sent to students and posted on transcripts after each term.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act requires colleges and universities to get a student’s permission to discuss their financial information with anybody other than the student. This includes seeing the financial aid package and paying for the costs associated with their education. The Release of Student Information form is available online or at the Registrar’s office.
The mail room is staffed M-F, 10:30-1:30. To send mail/packages to students, please follow the following format to ensure delivery:
Students Name
2945 College Drive, Box 717
Bryn Athyn, PA 19009-0717
New students and returning students follow different registration processes. Learn about the registration procedures for both groups and to access advisor information (for new students) and SONIS links (for returning students).
For students who withdrew and would like to renew attendance to Bryn Athyn College, please fill out the Renewal of Attendance Form.
For transfer credit evaluation, please send your official college transcripts from all previous institutions to the Admissions Office at:
Bryn Athyn College Admissions
PO Box 462
Bryn Athyn, PA 19009
The Admissions team will then work with the Registrar’s Office to get your evaluation completed and delivered to you.
Transcripts are a record of your academic performance at Bryn Athyn College. When applying to graduate schools, specialized educational programs, or certain internships, your transcripts are often required as part of the application. For further information, questions, and to submit a request, please visit the online Transcript Ordering page.
Benefits offered with online Transcript Ordering are:
- Convenient 24/7 access
- Secure transactions
- Secure electronic transcript delivery worldwide
- Automatic order updates via mobile text alerts and email
- Online order tracking
- Ability to order multiple transcripts for multiple recipients in one order
Transcript Ordering is provided through the National Student Clearinghouse, a nonprofit organization serving the higher education community since 1993.
If you intend to withdraw from Bryn Athyn College for any reason, you must follow the withdrawal procedure in order to avoid incurring any additional fees. The Withdrawal Form includes the step-by-step procedure.