Health Center Patient Satisfaction Survey

Health Center Patient Satisfaction Survey

You were recently seen at Bryn Athyn College Student Health Center for a medical appointment. We value you as a patient and strive to have our services meet your needs. As part of this effort, we ask that you take a few moments and complete this brief survey about your most recent visit. Your responses will remain anonymous. The results of these questionnaires are used to evaluate and improve Bryn Athyn College Student Medical Services. Thank you for your attention and time.

Enrollment Status
Rate your satisfaction with the following items related to your most recent visit. Comments are welcome, but you may choose to leave comment sections blank.
Medical provider (nurse practitioner or physician) hours of availability
Amount of time needed for provider to complete your appointment
Friendliness, courtesy, and helpfulness of provider
The provider listened carefully to your concerns
Quality of the explanations and advice you were given by your provider for your condition and the recommended treatment
I received information during my visit that I will use to improve my health
Your overall satisfaction with your visit
How likely are you to recommend Student Health Services to another student?