Parking on Campus
Campus parking lots can be viewed on our Campus Map.
Everyone who parks on the Bryn Athyn College campus regularly is expected to register their vehicle(s) with the Department of Public Safety.
To register your vehicle(s) complete the Online Vehicle Registration Form (choose “Department of Public Safety” for the first drop down menu). A separate submission is needed for each vehicle. You will then be issued a registration sticker that will identify your vehicle across campus. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors must park in appropriate marked areas and obey posted signs regarding specific parking spaces or lots.
Parking Policy
Based on how parking lots/spaces are marked, enforcement will be as follows below. Offenders will be ticketed by Department of Public Safety. Enforcement is on a 24/7 basis unless otherwise noted. Occasionally, there is flexibility in some cases for visitors, athletic events, and large public events.
Disabled |
Marked by painted emblem on ground, by sign, or both. Vehicles must display HC license plate or windshield tag. |
Visitors |
Vehicles with a Campus Safety parking decal are NOT visitors. Open parking during evenings, weekends and school breaks. Enforcement will be between 7 am and 4 pm, when school is in session. |
Reserved |
Marked by specific sign(s) as reserved for:
Restricted |
Marked by specific signs as restricted for certain groups:
Enforcement will be between 7 am and 4 pm, when school is in session. |
No Parking |
No parking permitted where there are no spaces indicated (roadways; aisles in parking lots; fire lanes; grass). Some exceptions for short-term load/unload in front of buildings. less than 15 minutes |
Open |
All other spaces are open for any vehicles, with or without permits. Vehicles parked overnight (12:00 am to 6:00 am) must have an appropriate permit. |